Chalk Painting 101 Class Nov. 8th
Have you ever wanted to learn how to paint furniture using chalk paint? If the answer is yes, then come take my class. What to expect:...

Chalk Painting 101 Private Party
Want to have a private chalk painting party with just your friends? These ladies did, and it was a blast. Just message me and have...

August 30th's Class
Loved all the ladies in tonight's class! Chalk painting 101 with Dixie Belle Paint is always a blast!

Chalk Painting 101 Class August 30th
Have you ever wanted to learn how to paint furniture using chalk paint? If the answer is yes, then come take my class. What to expect:...

June 12's Classs
Everyone in tonight's class has a project waiting for them at home! Cant wait to see pictures! I have full confidence in you ladies!

Chalk Painting 101 Class July 12th
Have you ever wanted to learn how to paint furniture using chalk paint? If the answer is yes, then come take my class. What to expect:...

May's Class
Another fun class! We had mother daughters, sisters, and Friends!

Chalk Painting 101 Class May 10th
Have you ever wanted to learn how to paint furniture using chalk paint? If the answer is yes, then come take my class. What to expect:...

Angela's Farewell
Angela and her family have been called to preach in Arkansas! We are very happy for them and this new exciting journey they are about to...

Chalk Painting 101 March 29th
Have you ever wanted to learn how to paint furniture using chalk paint? If the answer is yes, then come take my class. What to expect:...